Spend a Day with Us!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014

We are offering two different
Ag Education events!

To attend both events:

Volunteers Click here to sign up for Ag Day LA 2014.

Click here to sign up for the Schools’ Ag & Nutrition Fair.

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48th District Agricultural Association
Los Angeles County Farm Bureau
Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures
California Women for Agriculture-Los Angeles Chapter
Beekeepers Association and Southern California Beekeepers Association
Los Angeles County 4H-UC Cooperative Extension
Dairy Council of California
Cal Poly Pomona

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We are inviting all 3rd - 4th grade teachers and their students (along with home schools) from L.A. County who would like to join us on an Adventure. You and your students will learn how agriculture completes the many pieces (water, plants, bees, fiber, food and dairy) that form the puzzle of our everyday lives. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear agriculture affects us ALL.

AG DAY LA is filled with valuable hands-on educational experiences to grade school students in L.A. County schools throughout the greater Los Angeles area. It provides a fun and exciting way for teachers to address State Standards, as well as to promote agricultural literacy. AG DAY LA is an eye-opening event for many kids who don't know where their food comes from or have never seen a live farm animal.

AG DAY LA 2014 will take place at Fairplex Pomona's Big Red Barn on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, or Thursday, May 15, 2014. Please choose the day(s) and rotation that will accommodate your schedule!

Here is a link for teachers that need grants for bus funding in order to attend the AG DAY LA 2014 event: http://www.farmology.com/programs.html#activity

Please make sure you arrive at the Big Red Barn with plenty of time to spare for registration! It will be about a 10 minute walk from the drop off zone near another event called Schools' Agriculture and Nutrition Fair which is being held from (Tuesday, May 13 through Saturday May 17, 2014 at the Pomona Fairplex, Building 10. Upon exiting the bus, AG DAY LA attendees should look for a docent to bring you to AG DAY LA 2014 at the Big Red Barn.

Please RSVP for AG DAY LA 2014 by filling out one of the following forms that relate to you (Teacher Response Form or Volunteer Form).

Teachers must provide adult chaperones for this event. It is also advised that students bring a brown bag lunch and bottled water. This invite is accepted on a first come first serve basis. We thank you for your time and look forward to meeting you on our adventure.

Click here to enter the agdayla website for additional information and movies that will give you an orientation on what you might expect to see.

Teacher Response Form for AG DAY LA 2014 FULL


Do you have an Agricultural background? Would you like to help present a topic on how agriculture affects any of the following: water, plants, bees/insects, fiber/cotton, food, or dairy?


Volunteer Form for AG DAY LA 2014

The AG DAY LA collaborative groups are encouraging volunteers representing the same organization to choose a contact person to register on their behalf. However, if you are student or volunteer not representing an organization, just type none as the answer to the question asking for the “names of all volunteers.”


(Required) Lead/Contact Volunteer: 

(Required) Organization:

(Required) Cell#:
(We will also be sending updates via text messaging)

(Required) Email: 

(Required) Please type the first and last names, and email addresses of all the volunteers participating with AG DAY LA from your organization:

Did you volunteer last year?

(Required) How did you hear about this event:

Please choose your AG DAY LA volunteer time:

Early Bird Rotation 9:30 – 11:30
Late Bird Rotation 10:50 – 12:40
Full shift- (Please note presenters are full shifts) 9:30 – 12:40

Volunteers, please be onsite by 8:15 a.m.

Which day(s) will you be attending?

Early Bird or Late Bird Rotation?

Please select where you would like to volunteer:

For the latest updates, please “friend” us on

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Click here to visit the AGDayLA website